Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15 - 2011

Howdy Y'all!
Well, this week has definitely been an eventful one! (as always...)
On monday, we decided to go out for ice cream at the local pharmacy. It was delicious! (besides a little freezer burn here and there). We met with Talia and had a great lesson! She is progressing wonderfully!
Tuesday was nothing but tracting, tracting, and then tracting. It was fun though! We had fun going down a really cute street by our house. We found a couple of YSA's and we were super excited for that! We also went a visited a member who was taken off dialysis. Her daughter, Gloria has been caring for her and isn't a member of the church, but she probably one of the nicest people I have ever met. We sang a song to Doris (her mom) and then had a wonderful lesson with Gloria about the Plan of Salvation. Sis. Joseph informed me that her and the other sister missionary who had been there before me had tried teaching Gloria and they have taught her basically everything, but would never commit to reading the Book of Mormon, but she did this time! Woot! We were excited to say the least.
Wednesday was great! We were walking down the street while tracting for a referral that we had been given, but couldn't find her house when we heard in the not so far distance a whistle. I just kept staring at the ground thinking "stinking kids..." but Sis. Joseph looked around to see who it was. Turns out it was a member who happened to be outside. We went over and talked with her. She knew who the girl was that we were looking for and pointed us in the right direction. I also made a new friend on Wednesday! We went to the Jorgensen home for dinner on Wednesday and their little girl (who is 3 years old) was SO excited that we were there. Sis. Jorgensen told us that when they had told her that the sister missionaries were coming over, her response was, "They have GIRL missionaries?"
I love that little girl. She gave me a baby spoon to eat my soup with. We taught a lesson with their whole family and we were reading from Alma 26 in verse 22 and we had each of the kids be a part (like repentance, faith, good works, and the last one was mysteries) and we had them tell us what each one was. Their little boy that we gave the part of 'mysteries' to, didn't want to participate so he went and hid in the cupboard. It worked perfectly since he was the 'mysteries of God'!
Thursday we did weekly planning. It was great; or as great as planning a week in advance can get. I made soup! And it worked! You would be pround mama. We had dinner with the Furstenburgs again. I love them. Sis. Furstenburg is such a sweet lady. We had homemade french fries! It was divine. We went out to the country afterwards and visited with Sis. Bland whose husband is not a member. He is a really sweet man and he has been taught by several sets of Elders. We taught him from 2 Nephi 9 and it went really well. Then, we had to book it home because we couldn't see what time it was and ended up going over and then we were out in the middle of nowhere and it was quite the adventure!
Friday I had a really good personal study time. I read from Alma 29. It pretty much sums up how I feel about missionary work and I learned the importance of being humble while doing the Lord's work. Verse 9 was my favorite. We went and visited a less active named Wanda. Her parakeet died and she has been really struggling with life. She asked if we could just kneel and pray with her. We did for about 20 minutes. It was such a neat experience. I kind of felt like I was stepping in God's shoes for a bit. She poured out her soul for the full 20 minutes and it was very touching. Afterwards, we went and taught a referral about the Plan of Salvation. She really liked it and invited us back!
Saturday we went back out to the country with Sis. McCoy. We taught Steve. He is struggling, but making it through.
Sunday was great!
Well, my time is up. I hope all is well.
I love sharing the gospel!
Sis. J

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