Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10, 2011

Dear Family,
It was a good week here. Monday we did some shopping and wrote letters and cleaned, etc. Then, we set off to save the world! We were supposed to meet with Scott and Fabiola, but they ended up not being able to meet that night because their kids were screaming and just having a "rough day" from the sounds of it. We talked to the branch ward missionaries about doing missionary work and talking to their friends about the gospel. We are trying to find ways to motivate them to do missionary work. The branch is shrinking more than it is growing and we aren't quite sure how to go about doing work there since Pres. Cotterell has asked us not to tract around the student housing for various reasons. Hopefully they will find the courage to invite others. President C. said we haven't failed if they don't accept our invitation. I believe that.
Tuesday we taught Tabitha again. She is great. She has SO much energy for a mom with four wild kids. She told us that she felt like Joseph Smith was in fact a prophet, but that she didn't plan on converting. (sigh) We taught her about recognizing the spirit and had a very good lesson with her and invited her to continue reading and praying to know if that's what God would want her to do with the knowledge she now has. Then, we went to try and contact and recent convert who has since gone less active. Turns out she lived in a pretty sketchy part of town and has since moved. So, we didn't stay there long. Then, we started printing maps off for the HUGE map book we are making for all of Pitt county so we know where everyone lives. I called a lot of people while sat in the library printing off a zillion pages. Now that it gets dark earlier, we don't get to have as much proselyting we find other purposeful activites like making map books and calling everyone.
Wednesday was district meeting. We talked about the doctrine of baptism. Elder Westley taught it and came in singing, "Today! Today! Baptize while you may!" (instead of "work while you may") Everyone started laughing after that. We had a good lesson though and we are trying as a district to build up the area. The elders haven't had much work at all the past couple of weeks so it's been kind of rough. I know there's got to be dozens more people who are longing to hear the gospel though. Greenville is pretty big! (and very spread out..which makes things difficult.) We taught Malcom and Elva later that day. Malcom had a lot of questions about the Book of Mormon. Sister Matthews knows her scriptures inside and out. For that I am thankful. I learned quite a bit during that lesson. Then, we went and taught Brittany about the Word of Wisdom. She likes her tea, but she said she would find a substitute for it. (Hooray!)
On Thursday we taught Matthew. He finally talked to his parents about joining the church! However, he also informed us that he wasn't quite sure if he was comfortable with being baptized and such quite yet. He said it's hard since that's not how he grew up, but he feels it's right. He just asked for more time to ponder and pray and read. Sister Matthews and I read a scripture today in Alma 34: 37-38 about waiting. We are praying he will recieve peace from the spirit to comfort him and help him make this decision.
Friday we taught Miranda. We taught Miranda a long time ago before Hurricane Irene rocked the east coast and she was very receptive. We were able to set up a time with her finally and taught her about the restoration. It was a great lesson. We went to a chili cook off that evening and tried a variety of chilis and cornbreads. Someone cheated and used yellow cake mix. It was rather disappointing...we judged the cornbread. They did not win.
Saturday we went to Steve's and taught him about recognizing the spirit as well. We decided that is what all our investigators need. It was a good lesson. I hope he will get his answer soon. He has been reading a lot from the Book of Mormon.
Sunday was a typical sunday. Played the piano, ran around like chickens with our heads chopped off between the 3 wards. I love Greenville!
Love you all!
Love Sis. J

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