Monday, August 13, 2012

Twas A Long Week in Dunn...

Hello from Dunn!
We had a good week this week.
I learned how to tie a tie! We had coordination meeting with Bro. Christensen and Lewis (investigator) came for dinner. He asked Bro. Christensen to help him tie his ties because he didn't know how. So, we all ended up learning. I can now cross that off of the bucket list of things I want to do in life. Yes! Lewis ended up getting pretty frustrated with the whole thing and just tied it in a knot. Then Bro. Christensen was being funny and told us to roll our ties up to our chins to have a race to see who would win.
Bro. Christensen:"On your mark, get set, GO!" We all let go.
Sister Welch says, "who won?"
Bro. Christensen says, "It was a tie." lol. Oh my gracious.
I tried okra for the first time ever (that I know of) It is delcious! Sister Christensen told us fried okra is really good. Last I checked, most everything fried is really good. Mmm!
Sister Tillman went all out last preparation day and we had a cookie baking extravaganza. I was mostly there for moral support...and taste testing. :) It was nice to have some genuine homemade galletas (cookies). We had a semi-productive lesson with part member family, the Bunkers. Their daughters love love love the missionaries. We watched the restoration movie with them and talked about the Book of Mormon. Halie, the oldest said she could feel the spirit really strong and knows it's true. They are a great family. I really love them. Their dog sat on me again. He thinks he is a person. lol.
We have found this great trail that goes behind our house. It is a bike/run trail and it's pretty well wooded. It is gorgeous in the mornings. We had a really good run tuesday morning. There is a nice old man that walks every morning in his plaid shirts and walking stickS that we see most days that we run. He told us if we keep it up we will be in the next olympics! I love positive reinforcement even if it is a long shot. We went and saw Jan with Sis. Knight and she is doing very well. She is such a sweet lady. I love her a lot. She just got her first visiting teaching route. Sis. Knight is her companion and she is so excited to go and visit teach. It's like she has the "greenie fire". On that note, I decided this week after much debating for the past 17 weeks that I am really thankful that they stick us "more seasoned" missionaries with the young ones. They keep your motivation going. It's brilliant!  We had a great line up the rest of the afternoon, but unfortunately, everyone stood us up. Bishop even came out on exchanges with us, but our appointment bailed. We ended up going to see the Herman family. The Hermans probably think all of us sister missionaries must dye our hair and that we are really all blondes. Our conversation included some of the following:
Sister Welch: where are you from?
Bro. Herman: Chicago.
Sister Welch: Oh okay, but not Illinois right?
Bro. Herman: No. It is Illinois.
Sister Welch: Chicago is in Illinois?
Bro. Herman: No. It's in Indiana.
Sister Welch: There is a Chicago in Indiana?
Bro. Herman: (dying of laughter) No. It's in Illinois.
Sister Welch: Oh haha...okay.
Me: Does your family get to read scriptures together?
Bro. Herman: Yes. Except on the days that end in 'y'.
Me: (processing each day of the week in my head) Don't they all end in 'y'?
Bro. Herman: Man, y'all are slow!
I didn't know which way was up and down by the time we left there. I like the Hermans. I guess they thought we were alright. They invited us back for dinner! Maybe they just want to make fun of us...
We met with investigator, Laura on wednesday. She is amazing! She downloaded the gospel library on her phone and she has been reading a ton! She got a little confused though because she was reading about adoption for children born outside of wedlock. She asked us if that meant that she would have to give her children up for adoption. haha. We reassured her that she wouldn't and had a nice discussion about the law of chastity from there. We also taught the word of wisdom and whilst discussing found out that the chocolate chip frappe from McDonalds has coffee in it. Great! A member told us previously it didn't have coffee in it so Sis. Tillman bought one and it was delcious. We were informed by Laura that it does indeed have coffee. We have since repented of our heathen ways. Sister Tillman invited her to be baptized. She was so excited. She has really struggled to speak up much in lessons and since then, it seems like her confidence has soared. We met with the Hudsons and had the Dominguez family come along. They brought their little two year old. She was bouncing off the wall! It went pretty well all things considered. Bruce was really excited because he just read Doctrine and Covenants 87 about the civil war. "why don't you just start off by sharing that with everyone? that is incredible!" I love Bruce. He is so funny.
We weekly planned incredibly fast on Thursday. I love being done with weekly planning quickly! We spent the evening contacting people and it was a very long evening seeing as not many people appeared to be home.
Saturday was interesting. We had a lot of time for proselyting. We had tried and tried and tried to set up appointments with people, but nothing was working out. So, we went to contact a potential out by Bunnlevel (yes, there is a city called Bunnlevel). We are running a bit low on miles so we decided to head out on foot once we arrived at the potentials house and she was not there. We enjoyed a nice walk through some tobacco fields, a few rain showers, and a wonderful breeze. (I am so thankful for a breeze. I think that is what has made this summer tolerable.) We talked to quite a few nice people. We went further into Bunnlevel in hopes of contacting a less active family there, but they (like most everyone else) had headed to the beach for the weekend. We did contact their grandson though. He is really interested and said he would like to read the Book of Mormon. (yes!) After a long day, we headed home, planned and I went to bed.
Sunday was sunday. No one came to church. :( The talks were really very good all about following Christ's example, humility and gratitude. It was a very edfiying meeting. We did have a lesson in the evening with a couple named  Dennis and Sherry. They were very friendly. Sherry reminds me a lot of Kia from Greenville (if you remember me writing about her).
well, this saturday is "black saturday" (aaaahhh!) we are all a little nervous, but it will be good.
I read 1 nephi 8, 11, and 12 this past week. They are such good chapters. I would invite you to read 1 Nephi 8 and see if you are holding to the rod. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Every page is true and I know that it truely blesses us.
Have a wonderful week!
Sister J

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