Monday, October 15, 2012

So Many Blessings

Dearest Family, friends, etc,

Hello! The leaves are changing and are ridiculously vibrant. It is so pretty.

I am so tired today. Our fire alarm decided to give up the ghost last night around 10:45 and would not hush up even after we took the batteries out! We finally mustered up the courage to go ask Sis. Clay to help us find some batteries and we finally had it fixed sometime after 11. I'm not sure how this incident is supposed to play a part in the Lord's plan, but I guess everything happens for a reason. :)

We had the best week EVER! There were so many good things that happened this week. The Lord is definitely in the details of our lives.
We had a really good lesson with Daisy last Monday on the 10 commandments. We read from Mosiah 12 and 13 and discussed them. Daisy is just amazing. She is in 2 Nephi now and she is reading the New Testament as well for seminary. She told us that she talked with her mom and we are going to be meeting with her tonight! Also, they both came to a fireside last night that was at the mission home. It was incredible. The fireside was for recent converts and investigators and basically, they just had some recent converts bear testimony of the Book of Mormon and how they were introduced to the church. There was such a special spirit there. I was so glad her mom was able to come with her. Daisy loved the fireside too. So, things are going really well there. I hope they will continue.

We got a call Monday night from Charmaina (investigator) who informed us that her daughter Shade (pronounced Sha-day) got hit by a truck earlier in the evening and was in the hospital. Naturally, we were excessively concerned about them. The relief society definitely fulfilled their purpose and offered necessary assistance to Charmaina and her family. Shade is home, but has some broken bones in her back and a LOT of road rash. Poor thing. She told us she is bed-bound for the next three weeks. We were talking with Sis. Swift, the WML wife who introduced Charmaina to the church originally and she told us that Shade was planning on going to YW the following night and then she said, "Satan definitely went below the belt with Shade." I would have to agree. It made me smile that she said that though.

Tuesday we contacted a zillion referrals which was great! Unfortunate for them, they did not choose to accept our invitation to learn more about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and how it can bless their lives (sigh). We did get to visit with less active, Sis. Edmonson. We helped her vacuum and sweep her floor and shared some scriptures with her. She came to church yesterday too! We had dinner with the Whitt family and ate giant red velvet cupcakes that were seriously the size of my face. Afterwards we had a great lesson with Sis. Huber (less active) about obedience and read from 1 Nephi 16 and Mosiah 2:41 and Ether 12:27. It was such a good lesson! She then informed us that she would be bringing her boyfriend and kids to church on Sunday. We had no idea she even had a boyfriend. It was great though! They all came to church on Sunday. We were stuck in 1st ward's ward council meeting during 2nd ward's gospel principles class so we didn't get to meet them which was sad, but it was great to see that Sis. Huber is sharing the gospel and that her testimony is growing. We're doing our job!

Wednesday we had lunch with one of my favorite people, Sis. Patrick. She is so great. She made this delicious chili. Sis. Asay thought it was gross. I loved it. It had carrots, green peppers, onions, tomatoes, beans, etc in it and just made me so happy. I love vegetables!  After sharing a message with her about General Conference we proceeded with a crazy afternoon. We met with recent convert, Sis. Donaldson. She has been very sick. She wasn't feeling particularly well when we were over there, but we had a nice lesson with her and discussed some of the things we learned from conference. After we had dinner, we went to see recent convert, Sis. Smith who was blasting Christmas music when we got to her apartment. She LOVED conference and printed off basically every talk. It was so funny.

We had zone training on Thursday which was definitely an answer to many prayers. We focused a lot on finding and how to involve members. It was just another testimony to me that the Lord really is in the details of our lives. Sis. Asay and I came up with a lot of creative ways to find last week after having a rather slow week (that is an understatement by the way) and as we have been applying those things this week the most amazing thing has happened! We have been led to those who are prepared to hear the gospel. I feel like the Lord recognizes when we are doing our best and He shows that He trusts us to teach people the more we do everything we can to further the work. We had a fulfilling evening by going to the RS homemaking activity for the 2nd ward which was called, "Making Pies and Missionary Moments." We talked to the sisters about Pres. Uchtdorf's talk called, "Lift Where You Stand" and read from Alma 8 and talked about ways they could "lift where they stand" to share the gospel. The pie was delicious too. There are some good pie makers here. I especially enjoy the pecan (PEE-can) pie here. It is now my favorite pie.

Thursday was madness. We had a great lesson with the less active Gonzalez family and taught the restoration to them. Sis. Gonzalez told us as we were leaving that she really enjoyed the lesson. Now we just need to figure out how to help them come to church! We went contacting afterwards and talked to several people. People are so funny. We tried to help a lady wash out her flower pots, but she insisted that we just keep moving along our way. We left a card for her anyways. :]
We had a great lesson with our investigator Reshell. Reshell has been listening to her Book of Mormon on CD that we gave her diligently. It has been so neat to see how she has changed. She is so happy now! I love that the Book of Mormon can help people find peace and happiness in life. BUT the miracle was this: when we went over to Reshell's, her boyfriend (whom we also were not aware existed) was there. His name is Dennis. He had a roommate a year or so ago who had met with missionaries when he was living in New York. Dennis said he had sat in on the lessons, but didn't remember much. We taught the Plan of Salvation and they both participated, asked great questions, etc. It was fun. We invited Dennis to church and he initially declined, but then as we were leaving he said, "you know, I think I would like to come to church." So, we found a ride for the two of them and they came to church yesterday! A member told us that he had asked Dennis about his experience at church. Dennis told him he loved it and would definitely be back! We found out that Reshell is moving to Durham. :( At least the missionaries there will have someone amazing to teach!
We then had dinner with Bro. Lopez, the Ehrismans, and the Moores and a Mexican restaurant with giant burritos. I ate the whole thing. It was delicious. We also met with Sis. Falco afterwards and had a great lesson with her. I love her so much!

Saturday and Sunday were great. Church was super busy. We went to the fireside on Sunday night and it was such a neat experience. It's amazing how people find the gospel.

The church is true.

I love you all!

Love, Sis J

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