Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Love My Mommy

Today is Mother's Day. I sure do love my mother dearest. She's always there to save my bacon. I'd really be in deep trouble without her to give me advice on life, rescue me in Ogden when I lock my keys in the car, make food, etc. She rocks.
As a gift to my mother on this fine Mother's Day, I decided to buy my mom a John Denver CD. Why?
Well, let me tell you:
We were driving to Salt Lake a couple of weeks ago with my neighbor and Mr. J.D. happened to come on. My mother then exclaimed her love for John Denver's music. It then occurred to me that we didn't own any John Denver music and thus the grand idea of purchasing a John Denver CD was born.
So, that's just what I did. It was pretty hysterical when she opened it up. Ashlyn came over to see and immediately said, "Hey, he looks like Harry Potter!"
I think Ashlyn's statement is completely valid. The glasses, the hairstyle...I can definitely see it.
In other news, I recently discovered that my Lamprocapnus spectabilis (aka: bleeding heart flower) successfully took root last year! I am obsessed with planting flowers. I love love love to garden and plant flowers, but the soil around our house has proven itself infertile and downright pathetic in regards to planting flowers and such. I suppose it would work really great if I had a ceramic pot maker. It could make some fine pots for sure. Anyways, it has taken years to get to the point where I can actually dig deep enough to plant flowers and have them manage to stay alive and grow.  On the right side of my house there is a spot with particularly awful soil that the cats have also staked out as the neighborhood litter box. Sometimes I really hate cats. I have attempted to plant three different bleeding heart plants in this spot over the past three years. Two of which quickly withered up and died within a matter of weeks. The one I planted last year made it through the summer, but looked pretty awful the majority of the time. By the time September rolled around, it looked as if it had given up the ghost. I was feeling kind of bitter and discouraged about the situation, but decided I would try again the coming year. Well, spring came and the other bleeding heart on the left side of the house sprung up beautifully as always, but there were no signs of life on the other side. We bought some dirt a couple of days ago to help with the awful dirt situation our house is plagued with and....SURPRISE! Sticking out of the dirt, about an inch or so was a teeny little bleeding heart plant.  I am so proud of my little bleeding heart plant.
I took some extra precautions  to ensure the  d*** cats don't kill my little plant.

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