Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7, 2012

We had a great week this week and my time on the computer is REALLY limited today so you will get the rundown of things in these parts of the world really quick., 60 seconds, but not really. Okay.
We had a great lesson with Miss Margaret on monday evening at the Arp's home. She is still worried about polygamy and Joseph Smith. She agrees with everything else though. So frustrating!!!
We met with both Margaret and Bruce and invited them to start at square one: reading the Book of Mormon and focusing on their relationship with Jesus Christ and the question we invited them to consider as they read. They agreed. We read Moroni 7:13-16. Those are such good scriptures. Margaret really liked them a lot.
We also had combined district meeting with the Hope Mills district because President and Sister Cotterell came to do interviews. It was a great district meeting. We talked about find when you teach, teach when you find. Even the Savior asked for referrals when he was teaching (see 3 Nephi 17:4-9) We are setting goals to help us remember to ask who people we see can invite to our next meeting. It works really well. There is a family in the Hope MIlls area that have all been slowly agreeing to take the lessons because of that concept. Preach My Gospel is so inspired.
We met with Jan again. She talked with her father. He is not pleased with her choice to join the church, but said he will still love her. She wants to make sure this is really something she wants to do before jumping into it and therefore will not agree to a date to be baptized. She will get there though. She is very teachable and recognizes truth when she hears, sees, feels it. It's really amazing. We asked her who she knew she could invite to our next lesson. She invited her sister who said no. However, she was really excited to tell us because she then had the opportunity to talk to her sister about what we had shared with her earlier that day (the Gift of the Holy Ghost) and they had a really goood conversation and Jan was really happy about that. I was happy for her!
This week was a difficult week of finding. We tried and tried and tried, but had no success for the whole week. We contacted lots of less actives. There are SO many in this ward. Turns our three of them that we talked to were former "do not contacts" That could explain the slightly confused looks we received. However, all of them agreed to let us come back over so, that was definitley a miracle. No one got mad at us. I am always thankful for that.
We went on exchages with a girl I went to high school with. Her name is Kelsey Campbell. It totally caught me off guard when I saw her. It was crazy! But a good crazy. She just graduated from Campbell University which is pretty close to where we live.
I learned a huge lesson about being humble this week. My natural man (or I guess woman...) tends to get in the way a lot and I think that I can do things by myself. I learned that I can't rely just on myself alone. I need to rely on Heavenly Father and trust him. I also learned that I need to trust Sister Wilson more. Luckily Heavenly Father knows my weaknesses and gently rebukes/reminds me that it is not that way. :) I sure am thankful for Sister Wilson. I have learned a lot from her. She has so many strengths where I lack. I believe Heavenly Father knew that and that we could learn from each other.
We had dinner with some members who just moved from TX on Saturday. We played Book of Mormon baseball for a while, but none of us were much good at that so we watched some mormon messages instead and then went to a referral that Elder Merrill gave us. It was neat because we asked Elder Merrill who he knew in Dunn (he served here) and he didn't know at the time, but this house came to mind when he was studying one day so he told us to go by her. Her name is Crystal. We were able to contact her with Sis. Martin and had a good lesson with her. Her best friend is LDS and she has taken all the lessons before and wanted to be baptized, but her parentals wouldn't let her. Now, she is almost 30 though. We talked to her about the temple (she doesn't like that not everyone can go to the wedding ceremony). She wants to feed us dinnner and wants us to come back. She has some sticky situations that will make teaching her tricky, but hopefully we will be able to help her remember what she felt once upon a time. It was definitley a miracle.
Sunday was a really good day. The whole stake fasted for missionary work. Bishop Ginn expressed his gratitude to the missionaries. He is so thankful to have sister missionaries in the ward. I've never felt so loved as a missionary in my life. One of the little girls got up and bore her testimony. It was so cute. She is probably 4? "I would like to bear my testimony that Jesus lives and there are lights in the church and Jesus is where the light is and there are walls and lights everywhere in the church and Jesus is everywhere. And one time we had a pool I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." Everyone was giggling to some degree.
We taught the priests during 3rd hour of the block and had a great lesson about the Plan of Salvation. The Plan of Salvation is so amazing. It is a part of everything we do.
We went with Jan and Russ to Fayettville to Pres. Cluff's house (stake president) and had a fireside for recent converts, investigators, and less actives. It was such a powerful fireside. The whole thing is just investigators, recent converts, etc that bear their testimonies. Jan bore her testimony and it was very touching. That is definitely an inspired idea. They do firesides like that every quarter I guess and it is amazing. We rode back home with them, missed our turn so took an extra long way home and were able to talk to Jan about keeping the sabbath day holy and going on and the articles of faith. She is an amazing lady.
I love that we have the scriptures and that they can give us guidance. The Book of Mormon was translated by the Power of God. It is another witness of Jesus Christ.
Have a wonderul week! I love you all and pray for you often.
Thank you for all your love and support. I really do appreciate it.
With lots of love,
Sister J

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