Monday, April 2, 2012

General Conference Rocks! April 2, 2012

So, there were a few things I forgot to mention last week that were definitely noteworthy.

1) Sis. Matthews found an eight-legged critter in her bed. I am paranoid now.
2) One of the elders' investigators got baptized last week...In brown water! The city failed to mention that they were working on the water lines and when they filled the font up, it looked like a dirt puddle. He didn't want to wait he was baptized in dirty water! Rather ironic considering the symbolism behind baptism...David (recent convert) is awesome though. He knew what baptism meant and didn't want to put it off any longer.

This week's letter will be quick. My time is almost up! Ah!

General Conference was fantastic! I love, love, loved every single one of the talks. We watched the first session at Sis. Nanny Mae's. Her satellite died partway through so we missed one the talks, but the rest of them were incredible. I especially liked Pres. Eyring's. We are just being polished. Angels will bear us up and God will always keep His word. Fantastic talk.

Nathan came to second session on Saturday. I am totally convinced that E. Scott's talk on the recognizing the spirit and receiving and recording revelation was meant just for him. When E. Scott started talking, Sis. Matthew's and I just looked at each other wide-eyed trying to confirm if what we were hearing was really what we were hearing. E. Scott even talked about fasting and prayer! We just talked to Nathan about both of those things! Crazy! It was amazing. E. Holland's talk was also very good for him. "Don't delay. It's getting late."

On Sunday Clara went to the Smiths for conference. We told her she could go to the church, but then had the Smith's invite her over. She text us and was super confused. She said, "wait. I thought this conference thing was at the church, but Sis. Smith just invited me to watch it at her house?? How does that work??" We explained. She watched Sunday morning's session at the Smiths and had a question in mind that she was looking for the answer to. After the session was over, we received a text from Clara that said: "One word. Amazing." She said she thinks she got an answer to her question and she was also very excited to see Pres. Monson speak. She had to cancel her appointment she had with us this week but said, "Don't worry. I am going to be teaching my sister. I asked her if I could read the book (Book of Mormon) with her and she said that would be okay." We asked her about it later and she said that she had read Alma 7 with her sister (Irma) and talked to her about how she thought the Atonement was something she needed to use in her life and how it could help her. Clara is my hero.

We watched all of the Sunday sessions at the Woodington buidling. Taylor and Carmen (youth came) and we watched it together. The elders were there too. In between sessions E. Brown and E. Garvin decided to play the organ and piano. E. Brown tried to teach E. Garvin how to play "Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater" for about 10 minutes. It was highly entertaining as the conversation went something like this:
E. Brown: "Do you want to learn how to play peter peter pumpkin eater?"
E. Garvin: "Yeah."
E. Brown: "Well, this is what you do. See those three black notes? You just play those."
E Garvin starts playing notes...
E Brown says: "Nope. That's not it."
E Garvin starts playing again.."Is that right?"
E Brown: "Nope"
They did that for about 10 minutes. E. Garvin eventually learned how to play Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater. lol.

We didn't get to teach many lessons this week. Sis. Matthews and I both came down with some sort of something that put us out. So, we watched every video that a missionary is allowed to watch. Being sick as a missionary is horrible. Those were the most boring days of my life hands down. I am glad we are on the road to recovery. :)

Sis. Matthews and I took an interesting approach to conference this weekend. We decided to ask the questions, "what is being taught?" "why is this being taught?" and "how can I implement what is being taught?" to all of the talks. I learned oodles of goodness from conference! I would invite you to do the same as you review your notes. Ask those questions and I can guarantee you will receive addition revelation from the talks. It is good stuff!

Well, I should be off by now. I love you all. Thank you for your love and support. I know that we have never gone too far or too low for any of us to not be recovered by the Atonement of the Savior, Jesus Christ. He is there for us. Sometimes it might seem quite lonely, but He is always there for us. He knows what we are feeling (How is something I don't understand, but I know he does) and desires to help us. Never forget that you are a child of Heavenly Father who loves you more than you know.

Love you all!

Sister J

1 comment:

  1. Amber
    I always look forward to GenConfernce - each and every one. The only thing I don't like about it is when it's over. It feels a bit dull around the house. All that out pouring of the Spirit becomes really noticeable when it's gone.

    I have to tell you - So I've been working on my family to hear the gospel and as you know, I have some realy characters to deal with. When Pres Monson gave his address on Saturday AM, Andy heard it and was really impressed wtih what was said! who woulda thunk! Andy! We had a short discussion on Pres Monson's talk (i don't want to over do it with him - a little bit is good) and I felt really happy about it afterwards. I know some day he will accept the Gospel. I came away with that distinct impression. Now- if only BILL would give an ear...

    I really enjoyed reading about your General Conference experiences. So, I keep reading and listening to them over and over until the next one. I always find things in those talks that I really need. I think that's one of the purposes of having GenConf.

    love you, Amber!!

    Ant Connie :-)
