Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Transferred To Dunn, NC - 4/22/2012

Well, it was a crazy week to say the least. Monday was insane. We packed. And then we packed some more. And then some more. Poor Sister Nannie Mae. She was so sad to see us go. It almost broke my heart. I hope she does okay with us gone. She seemed pretty down in the dumps that we were leaving. We made it to bed around 10:45 amazingy that night...only to discover when we woke up at four in the morning to leave that we had completely forgotten to clear out the fridge! (oops!) We stuffed everything we could into the trash can, but then realized that the dump wouldn't oplen until 9. So, we were just stuck out of luck. We left the garbage with a note apologizing for leaving it and started our trek to Raleigh for the trainer's meeting that Sis. Matthews had to go to. When we arrived in Raleigh, we found out sister Welch was training. So, I went on splits with Sis. Dean and Sis. Oliverson until tranfer meeting. We went to the temple, and admired it and then we stopped at the book store and bought some stuff there. Then, we had breakfast at McDonalds (barf) and drove around Raleigh with one of the Jacksonville members until 1 PM. We tried getting gelato, but the gelato place was closed. :(
Sister Wilson and I are now companions. Sister Wilson is great! She likes to cook. I don't. It's a good combination! I think I've had more vegetables this week than my entire six months in Deep Run. (no joke). She is an amazing missionary though. She doesn't need anymore training in my opinion. She is training me! Sister Wilson is a pro at asking for referrals and making sure that basically every appointment we have with members has an investigator there as well.
The first day I was in Dunn. We had an appointment with a lady named Bessie. Bessie is 86. Bessie reads the Book of  Mormon and comes to church, but won't live the word of wisdom. We invited her to pray about Joseph Smith. When we followed up with her this week about that, she said she hadn't, but that she would take our word for it that he was a prophet. lol. We told her she would need to find out for herself.
We also met with eternal investigators, Bruce and Margaret. They have been taught by missionaries since last september and no one can figure out why they "haven't received a confirmation about whether the church is true or not." I'm stumped. They come to church, they read (they've read the WHOLE Book of Mormon), they even fasted. Margaret is a Quaker and one of her issues is that Quakers don't believe you need to be baptized by water. She thinks it is prideful to do outward signs to show your commitment to God. Whatever. We are trying to help them and trying different things to see if it will help.
We had a lot of miracles, we met investigators, Terry and Christy at a dinner appointment with a member. They are awesome. They want to come to church this coming week and they have been reading the Book of Mormon.
We also met investigators, Karen and Chandler via a member who had invited Chandler to attend church. Karen (his mom) said she had noticed taht he respected her more and had noticed that since he had been attending church with Sis. Gautier.
The members are awesome here. They want to help with missionary work. They are willing to do just about anything they can to help you.
We had a stake service day on Saturday and cleaned up the highways in Fayetteville. A newspaper man took our picture so we may have ended up in the newspaper somewhere in North Carolina. It was a good week.
My time is up! 
Love you all so much and I hope you have a wonderful week. 
Find hidden treasures at mormon.org
check out the "eternal truth" message. It is about a member in Kinston. Then you can see what N. Carolina looks like in the winter time! Brown.
With all my love,
Sister Johnson

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