Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Color Explosion!!!

Dear family and friends,

Well, we received the results of black Saturday and you'll never believe it (actually you probably will)....Sister Asay and I are companions still. Transfer #3. That means I will only have had six companions my entire mission. The only person that is even leaving from our district is Elder Lee.

As usual, I don't have much time to write, but a few highlights from this past week include:

Sister Falco: She is the less active lady we have been working with since we first came to Raleigh. She has come to church every week except for the week her car broke down. We called her this week to see how she was doing and as she answered the phone in a sing-song way she explained to us that she had listened to all of conference again this week and that she had found some talks from Carlos Asay and LeGrand Richards. Look up "Simplicity in Christ" by LeGrand Richards. Sister Falco pulled it up for us and we watched it. Elder Richards is so funny. I don't think it was intended to be as funny as it was, but I love the way he talks and how he phrases things. We then watched Elder Holland's "Safety for the Soul" talk. That one will knock your socks off!

The Relief Society in 2nd ward had a dinner/service activity. It was fun to be with the sisters and help them clean up afterwards.

We had a great lesson with Daisy. It turns out she is a guitar pro! She played us some songs and enjoyed listening to her talent. Our lesson was all about fasting. We are going to fast with her at the end of the month. I really think it will be a big turning point for her. There is so much spiritual power that comes from fasting.

I forgot to mention last week, but I want to mention it now because it was my favorite thing that happened last week! The Wakefield family came to church last week! It was the best thing ever! My favorite part was seeing Bro. Wakefield be able to take the sacrament again. We had a great lesson with them afterwards and Sister Wakefield is praying about the Book of Mormon. We are praying for her too.

We met a man who is less active named Bro. Perkins today. He wants to come back to church. He said he had actually been thinking about that and it was really neat to see how the Lord works on people because just a few days after we stopped by initially his son (who is also a less active member) text him and told him that he wants to start going back to the "mormon church." It's great that the Lord prepares His children is so many ways.

Well, my time is pretty much up. I love you all and hope that you enjoy all the snow. Please make a snowman :)

I know that the Lord prepares His children to hear the gospel. See Alma 16:16.

God bless!


Sister Johnson

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