Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Dear family, friends, and favorite people,

Happy Thanksgiving!
Turkey day here was great. It was crazy, but it was great all at the same time.. The Clays had like 10 of their grand-kids over. We locked ourselves in our tiny little room upstairs so we could do our weekly planning...and guess what?! We actually finished it all in one day! We took a break for lunch and played tag with some of the grandkids in the backyard. That made their day. Afterwards we went to the Waldorf/Gandolph family's home for dinner and had a delicious thanksgiving dinner. I love little kids. The Waldorf's daughter, Kaylee is the cutest little girl (besides Ashlyn). Sister Asay and I spent about 2 hours after dinner serenading all their family with "The Sound of Music" and select hymns. It was so much fun. Kaylee and their son Tillman also came and sang with us.
There is a lot to be thankful for. I am thankful for my family; they are the best ever. I am thankful for my health, for all of the wonderful companions I have been blessed with, for all the amazing people I have been able to teach, the Book of Mormon (because it is the most amazing book ever), prophets, etc. The list could go on forever. I realized as I was pondering about all the things we are blessed with that it really comes down to remembering to be thankful to our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. We are forever indebted to him. The scriptures from Mosiah 2 have been going through my mind this whole week (see verses 20-25). I am forever grateful for Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the hope that the Atonement brings and that I have had the privilege of being raised in a home where that knowledge was taught and practiced.

Reshell has officially moved to Durham. :( She said she still wants to meet with missionaries there! I hope it works out okay. We had some great miracles this week.

Here are a couple:

Sister Asay felt impressed to go by an active member of the ward. I was somewhat hesitant, but agreed that we could call her and set up a time to visit her. We had a good lesson with her and by the end of the conversation she was telling us about a mother and son that she had invited to live with her until they can find a place to live. They are not members and they came to church last week. We talked to the sister (Sister Boyd) about asking them if they would like to talk with missionaries. She agreed to do that and we are going to see them this week! Sister Boyd also invited them to the Community Christmas Celebration (aka: Creche. Creche is a word from Greek(?) that means nativity)
Sister Asay and I have seen several "tender mercies" which I believe is in part due to our efforts in asking for referrals from everyone and trying to talk with everyone we see. As we were getting ready to leave church yesterday an older brother in the ward came up to us and told us about his son's family that he wants us to work with. They are less active and their daughter has started opening up some about learning more (she's not a member). We are hoping to set something up with them this week.
The Clay family we live with has really caught the missionary fire as well. Their daughter Joy was telling us about another girl in the ward who invited a couple of friends to meet with missionaries. One of them is getting baptized, but the other isn't....yet. She wants to invite her over and have us teach her to see if she would be more receptive to Sisters. It is exciting!

Well, my time is about ready to expire, but I know this is the Lord's work.

Have a wonderful week! Love y'all!

Love, Sister J

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