Monday, March 28, 2011

13.1: The Beginning

Today, I decided I want to run a half marathon before I leave for the mish. I'm debating between either the Provo Half (May 7th) or the State Capitol Half (May 30th). I have a feeling it's probably going to end up being the State Capitol one...which would be SWEET! The route looks like it would be pretty awesome (there's trail running!), but a bit hilly. I guess I should start brainwashing myself into loving hills. 
I love hills, I love hills, I love hills!
Theoretically, I will have 6 weeks of training before the Provo Half (which is why I'm thinking the State Capitol one would be a wise decision...then I will have 9 weeks of training!)
I like this idea. A lot.
My run today was quite the adventure. It was a blustery day and rather chilly (about 45 degrees with wind chill). I went about 3.5 miles today and it took me 28 minutes and 51 seconds. It was hard. The wind not my friend today. I think I now know what it must feel like to be the victim of suffocation.
Once I made it home, I collapsed on my front porch for about 5 minutes and then cooled down. I felt good after my cool down and decided to do a few sprints as well. Those were SO much fun! (sigh) I miss doing interval workouts.
My right ankle didn't bother me too much today either-which was great! I can tell my right achilles is not a happy camper though. It's pretty tight. Note to self: stretch better. 
IT band problems that have plagued me for the past 2 years weren't terrible either. I could definitely tell it was still there, but nothing like it's been in the past.
I'm just so happy to be running again! :D